Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The New House, The New View, Maybe The New Life?

I just moved into a wonderful new home in the Riverside area of Wichita Kansas, which is a nice area indeed. My house is a nice old (They had to give us a pamphlet on lead paint) 4 bedroom 2 bath which I split with a friend of mine. In one direction down my street you will find a (public) golf course, and down the other the Wichita Art Museum. I should also note that next to the golf course is the Botanical Gardens. Too be honest the house is out of my price range but I just had to have it. With everything I have been through this past year I deserve something nice so long as I am willing to work for it.

April 1st 2009 I quit smoking, gave up soda and all processed sugar, and started working out. This went very well for about 7 months, then my father died. Before I knew it I was smoking, downing Mt Dew and wheezing whenever I stood up. Apart from just being overweight, I also suffer from psoriasis and high blood pressure. With the sudden onset of massive stress, and the rekindled abuse of my body, my psoriasis flared. Let me be clear when I say "flared", my coverage went from 10% to 90% and the scales were so thick that I could barely move without severe pain. I suddenly found myself, jobless, penniless, and without health insurance. The pain became too much and my blood pressure rose until it peaked, giving me a minor stroke.

So there I am 29 years old, my house being taken by the bank, my water shut off for lack of payment, the left side of my face mostly paralyzied, and a tremendous desire to die. If I had been able to walk more than 10 feet unaided I most likely would have killed myself. I cried a lot in my bed, mostly from despair but also because my plagues were everywhere and the pain was unbearable.

I had been to doctors before for my condition, and none had ever really shown an interest or knowledge to help. Then my sister shows up telling me my brother had sent her money to help pay some of my bills and get me to a doctor. This doctor was amazing, she had total confidence that she would have me up and running in no time, and she did just that. Within a week I was back to work. Yes it was too late to save my house, and I had to move in with family for a month, but no matter. With the new meds I am back to working hard and living a decent life. I still don't have insurance but I make more than enough to pay for my visits and meds.

I also make enough for this lovely home in Riverside.

I use to be such a hateful person. I use to be bitter and borderline evil. There is a Rilo Kiley song that states "I use to think if I could realize I'd die I would be a lot nicer" well I realize now not only can I die, but I can live in a body that is against me. With a lot of work I have most of the movement of my face back, my skin while not anywhere near perfect is atleast not causing my much pain, and my psoriasis arthritis is managable. I'm not bitter, I am not hateful: I am lucky.